Special Dispensation…for Meat!
March 16th, 2006 by Scott
A triumphant moment for Catholic carnivores in New York today. According to the New York Post, the Achdiocese of NYC have granted a one-day “special dispensation” (basically, a break from the rules of the Lenten fast) in order to eat corned beef tomorrow, which is St. Patrick’s day. As you might know, eating meat on Fridays during the 40 days of Lent is verboten, unless you get one of these “Get out of Lent Free” cards from a Church authority.
I’m a man of many words, but this all but leaves me speechless. Does it mean that God loves meat, too? The implications are staggering. Meanwhile, Gothamist was kind enough to link to this USDA fact sheet on corned beef’s history and a guide to preparing it. To all of you Irish Catholics out there in carnivore land, Happy St. Pat’s. Slainte!