Popcorn Popper-fried Squirrel (?!?!?!)

March 8th, 2008 by Scott

Speaking of American animals in the order rodentia, I couldn’t help but post this nice video of Governor Mike Huckabee, in which he discusses the intricacies of frying up squirrels in a popcorn popper during his lean college years. Now, I can’t admit that, politically, I truly heart Huckabee, mostly because of that “not believing in evolution” business. But, hell if he’s not an entertaining guy!

A lot of people were alarmed by this off-the-cuff, casual talk of frying rodents. Most of these people probably aren’t aware that hunting and cooking squirrels has been an important part of American culture, especially in the colonial days, and continues its longstanding tradition to this day, mostly in the southern states. If you want to hear what a real squirrel hunt is all about, make sure to buy the book — chapter 10 is a doozey!

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