Archive for December, 2006

‘Tis The Season (Shot): TSC’s Official Holiday Gift Guide

Thursday, December 21st, 2006

Happy Holidays, friends! The festive lights have gone up in Chez Carnivore, and the game is thawing for the holiday feast (a big post with lots of juicy photos to follow). It just wouldn’t be an adequate holiday without roasting up some succulent winter animals, don’t you think? I can barely wait for the meaty [...]

“Hide the armadillos, chef…it’s the fuzz!”

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

This recent story is the talk of the town here in Gotham City. Apparently, the NY State Division of Food Safety and Inspection (get your NYSDFS&I T-shirt today!) went on a tear recently, discovering and confiscating huge amounts of “illegal mystery meats.” I swear. According to the news wire, they found everything from armadillos in [...]

Hey, who knows what they’re putting in sausages these days?

Monday, December 4th, 2006

In what has to be the most ridiculous piece of meat news, well…possibly ever, a sausage producer called Black Mountains Smokery has gotten itself into some pretty hot water with the trading standards office in the UK. Why, you ask? Are they putting dogs and cats and orangutans and emperor penguins in their wurst? Nope. [...]